Jakarta–Detakpos.com-Poor people are people with spending below 0.8 of the Poverty Line (GK). People become chronically poor if they are poor for at least 3 consecutive years.
The extreme poor have expenditures below the International proverty line (1.90 USD PPP). The National Poverty Line for September 2020 is Rp. 458,947/capita/month, equivalent to 2.52 US$ PPP/day.
The number of extreme poor people declined sharply in three years before the pandemic, by an average of 2 million per year. However, the number is still above the very poor (chronic) population. The characteristics of the extreme poor and the very poor are relatively similar. In 2020 Bappenas has assessed the differences between the extreme poor and the chronically poor.
In social assistance aspect, 71.8% of the extreme poor have received at least 1 social assistance, but only 29.3% PKH, 21.5% PIP, 35.9% Food Social Assistance, 63.7% PBI-JKN. Meanwhile, 69.81% of the chronically poor have received at least 1 social assistance, but only 28.45% PKH, 20.24% PIP, 32.09% Food Social Assistance, and 61.46% PBI-JKN.
In terms of age, more than half or as much as 54.7% of the extreme poor, including young people under 30 years old, and the chronic poor population is dominated by young people aged under 24 years around 50.64%.
In terms of education, the highest education of the head of household for the extreme poor is elementary school with 42.4%, and 30.5% did not graduate from elementary school. Meanwhile, the highest education level for the chronically poor head of household is SD as much as 41.46% and 28.09% did not pass elementary school.
In terms of housing, 68.4% of the extreme poor live in villages, the remaining 31.7% live in cities. Meanwhile, 61.41% of the chronically poor live in villages, the remaining 38.59% live in cities.
In terms of employment, 73.5% of the extreme poor work in informal status and 26.5% work in the formal sector. The three largest sectors of the working extreme poor are agriculture with 55.2%, trade and services 14.2% and industry 10.9%.
A total of 72.37% of the chronically poor work in informal status and 27.63% work in the formal sector. The three largest sectors of the chronically working population are agriculture with 55.22%, trade 14.03% and industry 9.51%.
In terms of basic infrastructure, 39.1% of the extreme poor households do not have proper sanitation, and 47.1% of households still do not have access to proper drinking water. Meanwhile, 42.24% of chronic poor households do not have proper sanitation, and 52.6% of households do not have access to proper drinking water.
Sumber: Tim Bappenas