Jakarta–Detakpos.com-The Minister for National Development Planning accepts the National Defense Council audits. This meeting discussed the proposed plans for the formation of the National Security Council into the RPJMN.
After the hearing, the Minister said that there were no regulations or legislation that contained the formation of the National Security Council. However, the formation of the National Security Council can still be done through the making of a Presidential Regulation.
Previously, a meeting regarding the formation of the National Security Council was held in 2019 which was attended by the Secretary General of Wantannas, the Director General for Defense Strategy of the Ministry of Defense and the Deputy for Polhukhankam, Bappenas, which resulted in the following decisions.
In 2015-2019, the National Security Council has not been formed because an agreement has not been reached between the relevant ministries / agencies regarding the urgency of its formation. In addition, there is no legal protection on it, in this case the National Security Law, so the discourse on its formation was stopped.
However, a series of coordination and hearings carried out by the National Defense Council, currently there is an understanding about the importance of establishing the National Security Council. The issue of the legal protection, currently the Ministry of Defense has registered the National Security Bill in the 2020-2024 Prolegnas.
Based on the results of further discussion, it was agreed that the formation of the National Security Council was approved to be included in the 2020-2024 RPJMN. At the next meeting, it is expected to invite non-state actors to get input on the proposal for the formation of the National Security Council. In the 2020-2024 RPJMN, this proposal was accepted as part of the 2020-2024 institutional framework.
PCT Bappenas