Suharso: Business Innovation Can Increase Export Competitiveness study provides valuable evidence for the Indonesian government to evaluate holistically the consistency of the government’s policy mix in encouraging research and development, and innovation activities carried out by business world, as well as providing business development services.

This was conveyed by Minister of National Development Planning, Suharso Monoarfa, when giving a speech at report presentation of study results “Policy Effectiveness Review of Innovation and Business Support Program”, Monday (4/10/2021).

This study was a collaborative program between the World Bank and the Ministry of National Development Planning.

The Minister said that the results of this study were in line with the plan to prepare economic transformation roadmap by Bappenas and will serve as a reference for all parties.

“Increasing innovation carried out by the business world can have an impact on increasing company productivity, increasing business and product competitiveness in both domestic and export markets,” he said.

According to him, this was very important for Indonesia, given that companies in Indonesia were still dominated by micro-scale companies with relatively low productivity characteristics.

“The government has actually implemented various programs aimed at increasing innovation and business world capacity. These programs were spread across several ministries and institutions,” he said.

“Specifically related to support for innovation, in the future it will be consolidated by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) through research collaboration. Mentoring programs and increasing business capacity are also starting to be consolidated,” continued the Minister.

The Minister gave an example, in the Government Work Plan (RKP) 2022 a Major Project for Integrated Management of MSMEs has been established which was one of initiations program consolidation in various ministries/agencies that includes mentoring aspects from upstream to downstream.

As is known, the highlights of MSME integrated management activities include providing access to financing and access to raw materials, providing joint production space, expanding export markets, assisting human resources, and collecting MSME data.

Closing his remarks, Minister hopes that this effort can improve policies and programs coherence, as well as support that provides more significant benefits for the business world.

“I invite you who are present at today’s webinar to always prioritize the spirit of collaboration and provide constructive input for future policy improvements,” he concluded.(hms).

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